Yeah.. maybe I should have done this on Sunday.. Oh wait, I was busy. Just like every other day I’m here. My bad! (:
So basically, last week was not all that eventful compared to some of the other weeks here. It was kind of weird because I actually had a full week of school for the first time. Yes, I have been here for a month (well, as of tomorrow..) and I have yet to have a full week of classes. It’s been nice, not going to lie. But the lame thing is that I have to make up a few classes on the next few Monday’s. For a situation like this, I would just have to say cualquiers (my bad/quite horrible Spanish translation of whatevs(: )
So, the fun began on Friday in Ávila. This would be a little Spanish city know for its ridiculously large muralla, which is just fancy term for wall, and for being the birthplace of Santa Teresa. We didn’t spend very much time in this city, but I would have to say that going on muralla was the best part. The view of course was spectacular. There are many awesome views here in Spain and I pretty much get to see all of them. Heck yes. I’m not going to be super excited to return to the States and see the view of Utah Valley. It’s just not super exciting compared to this. At all.
Next stop: Salamanca! Though our hotel rooms were ridiculously small especially for 3 people, our location was legit. It was about a good 3-5 minute walk to the Plaza Mayor. And if you want to know anything important about traveling to Spain, you should know that all the Plaza Mayors are where it’s at on the weekends. Oh what do you know, we were there for a Friday when our curfew is extended by an hour and a half. Win. Okay, so the first thing we did there was a little tour around the city. I liked our guide. She was really interesting and funny. We of course visited the Cathedral, the University of Salamanca (4th oldest university in the world in case you were wondering), and other places as well that I don’t exactly remember.. (:
Now I would like to share a few “for kicks and giggles” facts if you don’t mind. So with the University of Salamanca, they had quite the interesting graduation ceremonies. Each graduating student had the opportunity to have their own corrida de toros (bullfight). If the student succeeded, then they got to put some graffiti on a wall using the blood of the bull and olive oil or something like that. Knowing this just kind of makes me glad that all I have to worry about for my graduation is which hand to shake and not tripping of course.
Another interesting fact about the University. On the outside of the building, there’s this super intricately designed thing, and on it there’s randomly a frog on top of a skull. Because of this little tiny frog, frog souvenirs flood every single gift shop in the city. Not complaining it was kind of convenient for me. And also, because I found the frog, it means that I’ll return to the city someday (at least that’s what the tour guide lady said). Oh darnit(: Not objected to that in the least bit.
So then after our tour finished, we got to shop, go back to hotel, freshen up, and get ready for Telepizza! Definitely one of my new favorite pizza places because of their barbacoa (barbecue) pizza. All forty something of us basically filled up the whole store, and it was pretty sweet. I always love eating as a huge group on the trips. And we even got to eat this really good cake to celebrate all the people’s birthdays that happened in Spain. Delicious.
Now because our curfew is extended on Fridays, we decided we would definitely take advantage of it. After doing our own thing for a short while, we all met up in the exact middle of the Plaza Mayor, talked together, and of course at ice-cream. I would have to say it was my favorite part of the trip. The Plaza was awesome because all the night lights were turned on and the weather was perfect. I could spend a few more weekends like that(:
After talking for a little while, we attempted to go to like a discoteca. Yeah, fail. Even though our curfew is extended, it doesn’t exactly mean we get to participate in all of the fun which normally begins around 1:30-2:00 I think? So basically we spent the night walking around (even through an obnoxious protest thing). Gotta love curfew right?
So Saturday was basically pointless if you ask me. We basically wasted our time in two different cities for kicks and giggles. I would have to say it wasn’t my favorite day here. But hey, at least I got to enjoy the view from the city of toro and have Claudia as my twin for the day!
I guess I can jump to Monday now. Kind of a whatevs day, but after FHE, a small group of us went to Madrid to the Botanical Gardens. Wasn’t a super exciting place and I had bad allergies, but we definitely made it fun by taking a bunch of ridiculous photos.
Tuesday, around 5, Bethany and I met up with a few members from the church and we headed out to Torrejón to go to Parque Europa. Minus the absolutely awful allergies and abnormally high temperature, it was fun. We also took a whole lot of pictures with the random famous things from Europe. And then after, we went to the mall there where I bought some summery type clothes so I won’t die here during the summer in my jeans.
Now for Wednesday, we first went to two Don Quixote places (the windmills place and some inn place? Not entirely sure). But then we finally got to Córdoba which was pretty cool. It used to be the capital for the mulsumanes when they were in control for a little over here in Spain. There’s so much of their architecture here it’s ridiculous. And the Mezquita. Ah-mazing. I kinda get lost in there looking at all the arcs. It’s one thing to see all of the pictures of this place, but another thing to experience it. I would have to say it was worth the 8 euros that BYU spent for me to go see it(:
So then finally we arrived to Sevilla pretty late and then we went searching for dinner. Hermana took us to this “authentic” place that she told us was “worthwhile.” Well, definitely wasn’t my favorite. But it was food. Free food to be exact. Well, free meaning not from my own wallet haha. That of course is the most important thing.
For our second day in Sevilla, we of course had a tour. We didn’t see much but we did go to like the 3rd oldest cathedral in the world. It was pretty legit, mainly because I was only feet away from one of the most important people in all of history. That person would in fact be Mr. Christopher Columbus. It was kinda a weird feeling honestly. I don’t know how many times I have had to learn about him in my life, and all of the sudden, there he was (in a tomb of course but still), basically right in front of me.
Then of course, free time. Like 6 hours of free time. Score. That meant nap time for me. After eating lunch at McDonald’s, I legit crashed for a good three hours. It was definitely needed. So after eating at Rodilla with Bethany, we met up with our group to go to like a flamenco bar. It was a pretty cool experience. We got drinks and then we watched the show. All of the musicians and dancers were pretty awesome (and some were even attractive;) ). Super talented too. Flamenco dancing looks pretty dang tough if you ask me. Lots of stomping like super fast.
Now the next day, we headed off to the wonderful city of Granada. It’s quite large, so we didn’t get to do much. Though, we did get to go to La Alhambra (red something?). I don’t know. It’s huge. I’m pretty sure we were there for three hours. Lots of cool gardens and buildings. My favorite part of course was looking at the rather large goldfish. They bring me such joy :D
Once we finally finished, it was time for dinner, Dominoes! Woo! I pigged out quite a bit on some delicious pizza and of course burnt the roof of my mouth in the process (and it still hurts, even today! Boo.). After eating, we got to go to the Arabic market. Pretty fun. My shopping experience was pretty short because I ran out of money haha. I bought two pairs of gypsy pants for a pretty darn good price. I definitely owe it all to Hermana. She’s quite the awesome bargainer. (:
Well that’s all of my fun adventures over the past two weeks. I’ve only got a little more than two weeks left now. It’s legit sad. But I’m definitely excited to come back and start my awesome new and improved summer schedule! Sweet action. Well hasta luego mis amigos! Pásenlo bien!
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